A Pomsky Husky Mix and a girl in front of a stunning sunset over a Swiss valley.

A full day adventure photo session in the Swiss Alps in fall

It was late September as Pomsky Luna and her humom joined me for a guided hike and photosession in the heart of the Swiss Alps. Follow this adventure by reading this article and looking at the wide range of stunning images of the two of them having the hike of their life. Want to plan something similar? Contact me here.

Follow along:

  1. Planning the hiking adventure in Switzerland
  2. Challenges on the snowy ridge
  3. Sunset over the valley and Bernese Mountains
  4. The perfect full moon rise for a Husky-Mix
  5. Descend during blue hour with headlamps
  6. Can you hike this trail with your dog?

Planning the hiking adventure in Switzerland

During our planning zoom call Claire told me she really wanted to do a hike in the Alps, that was away from the tourist crowds and that she had some experience in long hikes as she just climbed Mt. Kilimandscharo in Africa. So, I felt confident to take the two on one of my favorite hikes, that only the locals know of.

Snow fun for a Singaporean dog

The two being from Singapore, Luna never experienced snow before. Part husky, Clair felt that its almost an obligation, to get her dog into the snow. You will see in the pictures, Luna felt so happy and confident in the snow, as if she had done this all her life. Mission accomplished. In fact, so far, all dogs coming from Singapore or Hong Kong to hike in the Alps had been absolutely loving the snow.

The hike on the snowy ridge

This hike is for experienced hikers only, as the trail follows along a narrow ridge. The ascend takes about 2.5-3 hours. There is however an easier route to the final photo location on top. The fresh snow made it a bit slippery but Claire and Luna both did so well.

Winter landscape in trhe Swiss Alps. A Husky-Mix and a girl hiking
A Pomsky is a Husky-Mix. The perfect dog breed for hiking adventures in the snowy mountains
A pomsky from Singapore hiking in the Swiss Alps and enjoying the snow with her human.
A husky-mix Pomsky and a girl hiking a ridge in the Swiss Alps near Lucerne. The have abeautiful view over the mountains as the pomsky runns ahead to explore.
Pomsky Luna playing in the snow, exploring the winter in the Swiss Alps
A girl and a dog hiking on a narrow ridge in the Swiss Alps. Mt. Titlis is in the background

Sunset over the valley

We arrived on top just in time to take some photos and get a pot of tea ready on the camping stove. It was already pretty cold, and the warm beverage was very welcomed. From the top you can see down into the valley and all the way over to the Bernese Alps as well as Mt Titlis. The 360° view over the Alps is just breathtaking.

Sunset over a Swiss valley. A girl and her dog in front of mighty mountains
The bond between a pomsky and her human as they are hiking high above the clouds in the Swiss Alps
Cuddle and snak time after a long hike for a husky and a girl in the Swiss Alps

The perfect full moon rise for a Husky-Mix

And if that perfect sunset wasn’t enough – turning our heads to the other side there was a full moon rising above the mountains. A cotton candy sky featuring rose, pink, purple, blue and orange included. Pure magic. Of course we had to get a picture of Luna with the full moon.

A full moon and a husky in the mountains
A Pomsky is a mix between Husky and Pomeranian. Here seen under a full moon and cotton cany sky in the mountains of Switzerland

Descend during blue hour with headlamps

Then it was time to descend back to the car. As blue hour was almost over and it was getting dark. With the full moon shining on the snow (making it glitter!) and the headlamps it wasn’t dark at all. Luna was a bit spooked for a moment of our shadows – yes full moon light can cast shadows! And also the hiking poles we used to stabilize ourselves on the snow felt suspicious to her. But after the first couple minutes, Luna was ok and we went down quickly.

Blue hour in the Swiss Alps. A dog and a girl hike in the dark with headlamps.

Can you hike this trail with your dog?

Sounds and looks amazing? Here are some requirements for you and your dog to be able to do this hike:

  • Endurance to hike 2-3 hours up and 1-2 hours back down
  • It’s a 500m elevation ascend and descend
  • Experience on trails with uneven ground
  • No fear of heights

Good to know:
The trail is accessible between: End of May to Mid-October (depending on snow fall)

This sounds like you? Check out all the details for booking here.